Mekiah’s New Elephant
Our Little Talker
Jim's mother recently moved in with us and Mekiah has come to call her Ee-ee. He has said "Gamma" but usually calls her Ee-ee.
Mekiah is a great runner and a great climber and is always on the go. He is all boy and recently has been getting into playing with trucks. He does like his little baby doll though and he gives it kisses and gets it's face very slobbery. Mekiah love to watch Sesame Street in the mornings and knows when it should be coming on.
I just love being a mommy! Mekiah is such a joy and he make me smile all the time.
Mekiah’s New Friend
The Cutest Ring Bearer Ever
Mekiah was surprized that the flower girl was dropping her flowers on the floor. He stopped in the middle of the isle and said, Uh-oh".
Eliyana had to come back down the isle and help Mekiah who was still trying to pick the flowers up.
Yeah, they finally made it to the alter!
Mekiah dancing with the beautiful bride, Jessica
Happy to be held by mommy.
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