Helping with the Home Business.

Here are some photos that we took of Mekiah 'helping' us with our home business. Here he is 'helping' by watching a movie and staying out of trouble. Although I did need my postal box.

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Here he is 'helping' to unpack the boxes that we recieved.

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Here he is 'helping' by climbing up on the desk. (all by himself, I might add)

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And last but not least, here he is 'helping' by putting the labels on the books we sell. I said "books" Mekiah, not "bellies".

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What a boy!!

Posted by Breanne in Cute Pictures, 0 comments

Dancing Boy

Mekiah loves to dance and hop around the room. He really likes it when mommy or daddy join in! He loves music and often dances to the beat.

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Posted by Breanne in Cute Pictures, 0 comments

Mekiah’s First State Fair

Mekiah had a great time at the Oregon Sate Fair. He loved the petting zoo, but he thought all the animals were doggies. (I guess he is a city boy)

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Posted by Breanne in Cute Pictures, 0 comments


We went to the coast for the weekend, and Mekiah got to go swimming.

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Here is Mekiah about to do a cannonball. He learned this by watching another little boy put his arms up and yell cannonball and jump into the pool. Mekiah thought this was great and was yelling, "cannonball', and falling face down in the water. It was a kiddie pool and only 18 inches deep, but we had to keep rescuing him. He had so much fun!

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Here Mekiah had just jumped, from a sitting position, into the water. It looks as if he is sinking....

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Is he having fun or what??!!

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Posted by Breanne in Cute Pictures, 0 comments

Kicking Back with the Elephant

Here is Mekiah kicking back while watching a video. Doesn't he look nice and comefy?

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Posted by Breanne in Cute Pictures, 0 comments