The Birthday Boy is Five

Mekiah had his birthday party at Pump It Up again this year. He had a great time and had lots of friends come and have fun too! IMG_2364 (Medium).jpg IMG_2367_edited-1 (Medium).jpg IMG_2393 (Medium).jpg IMG_2409 (Medium).jpg IMG_2418 (Medium).jpg
Posted by Breanne in Birthdays, 0 comments

At the Zoo

Mekiah and a polar bear. IMG_2326 (Medium).jpg IMG_2328 (Medium).jpg Dear God, Please don't let the bears eat me! IMG_2342 (Medium).jpg Mekiah and Uncle Brishon. IMG_2324 (Medium).jpg
Posted by Breanne, 0 comments

Computer Nerd

Mekiah has a career dress up day at his preschool, where you are supposed to dress up as something that you might want to be when you grow up. He decided to dress up like a computer guy and wear a tie like daddy does. He wanted to take a toy lap top computer with him but we could not find it. After searching for a while, we did find the computer. When I handed it to him he started jumping up and down and said," Yes, now I can be a computer nerd". He then proceeded to skip down the hallway. Like father, like son I suppose........It was really funny though...... IMG_2315 (Medium).jpg
Posted by Breanne, 0 comments