
Mekiah’s First TaeKwonDo competition.

Mekiah waiting to do his jump front kick boarding breaking. taekwondo championship 010 (Medium).JPG taekwondo championship 023 (Medium).JPG Second Place! taekwondo championship 033 (Medium).JPG Bowing after doing his form. He got third place. taekwondo championship 042 (Medium).JPG Ready to do sparring. taekwondo championship 045 (Medium).JPG Happy with a second and two thirds, but a bit teary eyed from not winning a first. taekwondo championship 056 (Medium).JPG
Posted by Breanne, 0 comments


A Family picture! valentines 003 (Large).JPG Mekiah loved it! valentines 006 (Large).JPG So sweet! valentines 022 (Large).JPG Making cookies! (Jim was playing with the color setting on the camera) 015 (Large).JPG 021 (Large).JPG
Posted by Breanne, 0 comments